本書は一級技能士であり、数々のコンクールで受賞歴のある著者が、その半生を捧げて学んだ陶磁器絵付けの世界を一冊にまとめ上げたものです。“描く”という点に焦点を当て、道具や材料に関する知識から、基本的な技法、さらに上級者向けの応用技術までを詳しく解説しました。ゴスを使用した下絵付けから上絵付けまで、幅広くカバーした包括的な内容となっている点で、まさに“教科書”! 絵付け教室での豊富な指導経験を基に、生徒が陥りやすい“つまずきポイント”も徹底解説しているので、レベルアップにも最適です。
This introductory book introduces the technique of "etsuke" (painting), which is popular in pottery classes.
From underglaze painting (tinting) to overglaze painting and Japanese paper dyeing, the book explains everything from preparation to basic techniques and common mistakes with numerous photographs and detailed explanations.
This book is a compilation of the world of ceramic painting, which the author, a first-rate technician and winner of numerous competitions, has devoted half his life to learning. Focusing on "painting", the book explains in detail everything from knowledge of tools and materials to basic techniques and applied techniques for advanced users. It is a "textbook" in the sense that it comprehensively covers a wide range of techniques, from underglaze painting with Goth to overglaze painting! Based on his extensive experience teaching painting classes, he also thoroughly explains the "stumbling blocks" that students tend to encounter, making this book ideal for improving their skills.
It is also unique in that it clearly explains the differences in materials used in Arita, Kutani, and Seto, based on his training in these regions. The book is also linked to Youtube videos using QR codes, making it a groundbreaking book that generously demonstrates painting techniques that have been difficult to understand until now. The book comes with 50 original designs by the author, so you can start painting as soon as you feel like it.