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✭ Video: Restoring a large plane・大鉋の再生
✭ Grintec K2 Sharpening Guide Designed for Japanese Plane Irons 初弘 鉋刃研器グリンテックK2
✭ KUROBARA 100% Tsubaki Japanese Knife Maintenance Camellia Oil
2024/10/10 Tasai Mokume Special Bench chisels set with Rosewood handle 田斎作 木目造り 追入組鑿 5本組 紫檀柄
2024/09/04 Brand new Sozen Special Made Square Hammers 素全 木目ダマスカス 鋼付 四角玄翁
Doshinsai Masatsura KIKU Chiyotsuru Ichimonji Hammers (Gennon) File finish 道心斎正行 千代鶴 菊 しぼり一文字 100匁
Doshinsai Masatsura KIKU Chiyotsuru Square Hammers File finish 道心斎正行 千代鶴 菊 四角けばがけ玄能
2024/07/24 Hyobu Smoothing Plane (Kanna) by Nakano Takeo 中野武夫作 仕上げ鉋 兵部 60mm
2024/07/10 back in stock Nagakatsu Double Edge Saw Eddy Type Handles set by Kurashige
2024/07/02 鑿大全 第3版 New Help you understand traditional Japanese woodworking chisels 3rd Edition